Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Stand Chart Marathon: The courage to run, the spirit to triump

Marathon: 42.195km worth of distance

something i wanted to do last year but told myself then i would do it this year
was almost about to procrastinate and shelf it aside to keep myself alive for one more year.

Reasons to do a marathon:

1) Have to take my IPPT soon. Since i have to train, I may as well train for the marathon. (mentality of a cheap-skate singaporean)
2) Ego. If my brother who is 17 can run the damn marthon, I should.
3) If i dun run the marathon at 25, I dun think it would be more suitable to run it at 35.
4) I want to have that singlet. (I think i am getting more cheap-skate after i have to earn my own keep)

according to the website, all completion of the marthon will get:
An unrivaled sense of accomplishment in a world-class and professionally managed race

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