Tuesday, February 13, 2007

COE price drop!!!
and it is by alot...wah kaox...y must come and tempt me!!
I can hear a voice of my friend who is a financial planner in my head already...
"Think of the long term....How much money do you want to have when you retire? no..no.. not enough one that's why you must start saving and planning now..."
I can also hear the other side reaching to me (mostly my colleagues) ..
"GET a cAr Eugene...like that we can go out and eat during night shift..Botak Jones....Geylang...arghh"

I know she is right..but...all this is based on the current situation...by the time i'm so old that white hair dun even grow out of the bald head...who knows whether that money is too little or too much ...what if government change some medisave or medical policies or legislation...what if by then the treatment of cancer is sooo cheap you just have to be "radiated" in from of your laptop! WHO KNOWS!

What i know is every normal guy who has the right balance of testerone in his body will want some kind of vehicle with runs fast...preferably with 4 wheels...
if i dun buy the car, i"ll be able to spend the money to go to Krabi every month..
i'll be able to buy a gadget that will keep my fingers fidgetting and frolicking all over every month...
buy lottsa books to read (something i did successfully with 1 book but i dun think it will sustain)
save some money to buy a house which would make a good investment since property investments seems to yield one of the best and assured returns in Singapore!

another good point brought up by my friend is that girls like guys who have cars...
ya ..ya..character is one thing...just think...both guys have good character..but one has car..
TIAO already right! The answer is obvious.

I felt undermined once in my life that I dun have a car already. I really DO NOT want to experience it again.


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